Trigger RowExpanded event of DesktopListBox

Good afternoon

Using the RowExpanded event to populate rows from a Dictionary containing file names…all fine.

Now is there a way to trigger this event?

When dropping source files onto the DesktopListBox they will be added to a dictionary (if they don’t exist yet) and fetched during RowExpanded.

So for now I am just using RowExpandedAt twice to trigger RowExpanded.

thanks for hints (again ;o)

Try me.expand(some row) .

Hmm…doesn’t know it…

Oh sorry, that led to a method. Try me.RowExpandedAt(row) = true .

That is what I am exactly doing now, running that method twice with True/False.

Okay…then I already have the best solution (o;

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It works very well. I need to call it recursively since rows may need to be expanded within the one I just expanded. Any row that thus needs expanding, I expand with

me.RowExpandedAt(row) = True

as @Beatrix_Willius suggested, and this triggers another event for each row thus expanded.