So out of curiosity, I thought I would open an example ISO project and see whether I could fight my way through the new framework and get a small Hello World thing going
Im running Xojo 2015 on my Mac at the moment.
Opening a sample IOS project or starting a new one, the Run button is disabled.
Ive seen that for 64 bit debugging, but is there something that prevents debugging an IOS app in trial mode?
I can hit run in the Project menu and the simulator fires up, but no app icon appears in it.
This is just opening the Autolayout example and trying to run it
Xojo iOS back in 2015 was still rather green. I would still recommend trying 2016R4.1, let alone for the 10 additional controls, and several small things that make life better.
The truth is I’m becoming very wary of upgrading stuff.
Every time I upgrade Xojo, I seem to lose some functionality and gain on file size.
(Eg if I update my Windows build today, its going to increase my app by 20Mb for no purpose. And the graphics engine is totally broken.)
Xcode installations have twice in the past moved stuff around and broken codesigning.
I opened Xcode ( which I dont use for itself, updated what it asked me to and it works. But the sample IOS apps in 2015 dont show up on the simulator so my Xcode is too …new? at version 8.1)
2015R1 was conceived to work with XCode 6.x. Subsequent versions are not compatible. I remember getting stuck because of 7.x.
For Xojo iOS, especially if you want to try, you really want to try in 2016R4.1. It is MUCH improved. Don’t forget that 2015R1 was the very first release. It did have quite a few rough edges.
I downloaded 2016 R4 and the samples run, so youre right Michel. ( Never doubted you)
Now I’ll dabble for a while. (With a very heavy heart… you know what I think of the new framework :>… it feels like starting again with a whole new language )
A good deal of the new framework is simply a renaming of things. For instance a search/replace of string to Text. If you don’t use buckets of bytes (non printable characters), you should be OK.
Don’t forget to download my XojoiOSWrapper which provides a collection of classic methods to iOS, which I use to port existing code with much less pain.