Treeview with bigger icon?


I need a treeview plugin/control/class that is able to show an icon next to the text, but I need the icon to be AT least 32x32. 48x48 or 64x64 would even be better. Or at best: custom sizes, depending on item/node height.
I now tried the listbox from Jeremy Leroy. Pretty nice, but images are 16x16, that’s too small to prevoew the actual image. I tried to change the ItemHeight, but that doesn’t do much. Same for Einhugur.

Is anyone aware of a plugin that can do this? Price doesn’t matter much.

Thanks for the help.


and contrary to the notes on this page… it HAS now been tested with latest OSX and WIN

Dave, you’re the man.

Does your price include support? Or is it the source ‘as is’?
Also, does it absolutely not work on Linux? Or just haven’t tested it? If not tested, can you send me the demoapp compiled for Linux so I can check out how it looks?

If included reasonable support via email (I’m not a “company” :slight_smile: )
I have not tested it on Linux as I do not have a Linux installation (just OSX/Win)
let me try to compile it to Linux and post it on my server… :smiley:

Just tested it, are you sure this is the same version as the OSX app? I encounter a nilobjectexception and then a messagebox saying:

I don’t get that message on OSX.

replaced it with a version that should be ok… try it again

Tried it, it doesn’t work at this moment (the NilObjectException). It’s not high om my priority list, but maybe I’ll sort it out in the future.

Thanks for uploading!

works on (my) Linux (Ubuntu 16.04)

only problem is resizing window

[quote=281487:@Axel Schneider]works on (my) Linux (Ubuntu 16.04)

only problem is resizing window

Nice! I was also running Ubuntu 16.04, but in a virtual machine. Maybe that has something to do with it.
But you’re not running stock Ubuntu 16.04 isn’t it? My windows look a lot different.

It’s Lite Linux 3.0 with xfce4 (based on Ubuntu 16.04)

[quote=281393:@Mathias Maes]
I now tried the listbox from Jeremy Leroy. Pretty nice, but images are 16x16, that’s too small to prevoew the actual image. I tried to change the ItemHeight, but that doesn’t do much.[/quote]

Hi Mathias,
Any picture size can be displayed as long as the ItemHeight is bigger or equal to the size of the icons.