To Upgrade or Not to Upgrade? Can 82% off really be a bad deal?

In that case I’m happy to buy your active license for the remaining value of what a licence cost 3 years ago.

On second thought, make that 5 years ago.

No, 10 years ago.


There’s nothing wrong with the upgrade price algorithm on the site. Alyssa is correct- it is based on the current price of the item(s) you had purchased. In Markus’s scenario, the licenses purchased were before Xojo- they were Real Studio items. Those items are obviously legacy now, and have a static value of $249/ea- from which the Xojo Pro upgrade value is calculated.

If you are talking about applying Xojo licenses that were purchased towards an upgrade- those are entirely different items and would have different value associated.

But that is exactly what did NOT happen.

Desktop was €240
Database was €240
Console was €240

So how is a Desktop / Database / Console licence with THREE years remaining only worth €363?

Not according to Xojo:

Markus- the price of Xojo licenses has nothing to do with your upgrade price. It is based on the current price of the items you had purchased- which were Real Studio items not Xojo. Those prices are locked (they don’t change any more) as those are legacy items.

[quote=229245:@Markus Winter]Great contribution [rolls eyes]

You did read that I have active licenses till Sept 2017?

I’m sorry I did not entertain you. I was trying to help you see past your ego. From the moment your rant started with “xDev rejected it because it was too mathematical” this post was entirely about how you feel that you are being overcharged for Xojo.

Never mind what they have said it will cost, what the website programming says it will cost, direct replies from them, nor the fact that they are in business to exchange your money for their product… you still reject their conclusion. Don’t you think they have a vested interest in getting the price right to encourage you to buy?

My contribution was simply to remind you that for those of who make a living with it: Xojo costs peanuts. Whether thats 900 peanuts or 600 peanuts I still NEED it to survive.

Only those who do not need it to survive would share their private emails with Xojo staff to the entire forum audience complaining because you THINK it should cost you less.

And THAT confirms it: my active licences are indeed second class citizens when it comes to upgrading.

Alyssa asked me to quote it. Maybe you read the thread before making accusations.

They aren’t even second class citizens - very plainly they are entirely different licenses. The fact that you can upgrade at all is nice of Xojo.

Not second class at all- you get access to the same product everyone else does, and you did so at a great price by renewing early. That’s exactly why we offered that in the transition, so you could capture the additional value yourself.

@Travis: they are second class when it comes to upgrading, completely contradicting what Alyssa said above about all Desktop licences being equal, even those licences bought for 25 cent in a bundle sale … but obviously not those bought before became Xojo (and still active). Which actually means Karen is in the same boat as me … or was it Beatrix?

Thanks for coming round to my point of view :stuck_out_tongue:

I would like to point out that this is the first I have ever heard about REALstudio licences and Xojo licences not being equal when it comes to upgrading.

Thanks for clearing that up. It should be of interest to those who upgraded early to support the company long-term.

Yeah we went through this when Xojo Pro got iOS if you renewed but old Xojo Pro didn’t. I’m sure technically they were two different SKU’s at that point although named the same thing.

All of this is a moot point now because as you have said hundreds of times renewing is pointless. Just buy what you need and let your nephew or something play with the older expired license.

You seem to be arguing that not only should we have offered Xojo licenses at the old Real Studio price (which we did)- but that we should also discount Xojo Pro upgrades from those by the same amount as a Xojo license cost? We can’t discount both sides of the same coin, we are a business that needs to keep the lights on. So we went with the option that gave most people the most value.

The bundle folks you were referring to were Xojo Desktop, so they could apply Xojo Desktop license value to an upgrade. That doesn’t contradict anything of what was being said.

I remember that, though I also remember them making it clear BEFOREHAND that iOS wasn’t going to be included, so I was fine with it, just concerned about the problems they were making for themselves.


I argue that an active Xojo licence should be an active Xojo licence, no matter when or where I bought it.

Xojo treats them differently depending on when they were bought.

Again, contradicting what was said:

I guess that depends on a certain value of “everyone”. (Orwell, anyone?)

Of course.

You are aware that we are talking about active licences?

There is no “of course”, it means that there are indeed two classes of licences.

Sorry, I meant to say “then it could not be simpler”.

A different license/product purchased at a different time, and thus has different amounts to apply to a Xojo Pro upgrade? Yes. A Xojo Pro upgrade discount is based on the current price of whatever product was purchased before, that you are applying to it now. I hope that is clear to everyone.

I think this thread has run its course, so unless there’s new information here in the next while- I’ll lock it.