Tips for open last project

*** warn reserved for experimented users ***


open a terminal (Quit Xojo before)

for enable this feature, hit in terminal

defaults write com.xojo.xojo “Open Last Project Worked On” -bool true

for disable this feature:

defaults write com.xojo.xojo “Open Last Project Worked On” -bool false

work in 2015r3, don’t tested with old version

now launch xojo and he load the last project !

That should only work if you’re on 10.7 or older

Somebody email koingo and have them put it in MacPilot since clearly they use Xojo too :wink:

Works here on El Cap.

Took me all night but now I understand what Norman meant.
Why exactly would you block this from newer OSX versions?

PopOver were introduced in 10.7 ! ;-:slight_smile:

More seriously, this is why I get ONCE (only) a project automagically re-open in Xojo (this never happens after this one).

[quote=222507:@Tim Parnell]Took me all night but now I understand what Norman meant.
Why exactly would you block this from newer OSX versions?[/quote]
Because its a system wide setting and if you enable it then you get that project opened twice

Then it’s not respecting the system wide setting here o.O
Opening text edit opens every last open file I had but Xojo goes to the chooser window.

Fun part is its not Xojo that does it
Its the OS literally recording what windows you have open and then when opening the app it sends it a bunch of apple events to reopen things