Tiny tiny display

Can anyone recommend a very very tiny LED display that I can use on Raspberry Π that I can control from Xojo?
Even a USB one would be good.
This is really only for displaying a line (maybe 2) of text for informational purposes - so I don’t need a full graphical environment or anything.

I’ve tried a few in the past that were ok, but weren’t able to be controlled with Xojo. They needed a python script and a bunch of additional installations.

I’m happy to pay a bit more for something easier - this isn’t mean to be my deep learning into anything - just need the functionality.

@Björn_Eiríksson might have some Raspberry Pi Display suggestions.
(using the mention feature to get his attention)

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Matrix Orbital is not the least-expensive display vendor, but they offer a wide variety of modules with different display technologies and interfaces. They’re pretty easy to use and well-documented. Newhaven is another.

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there are lot of i2c oled displays and some of them are very small…
or this one is the same but more expensive…

Guides and drivers for several displays here:


I’d also look at displays for Arduino, it looks like they may have some options.

Additionally, seedstudio.com may have some options, lots of display types offered.


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Displays for Arduino and Raspberry Pi is the same thing.

Its just matter of making Driver for Xojo for each particular display.

When are you going to do a series of bootcamps for people who want to dig into Rasperry Π from Xojo?
I’d pay… I’m sure there are others.
It could be virtual, but those of us with our own LLC or S-Corp would gladly deduct the cost of an educational trip to Iceland!!! :wink:


I am not very good educator !

I used to work for American company once and people from there were sent over here to learn something and it usually ended up in me driving them around in the highlands and cooking steaks.

Everyone always left happy but I am not sure how much they learned.

(The company called it hands on meetings)


can you talk about raspberry pi while you cook steaks?

Would not risk the steak for that !



This might not meet your requirements, but as an alternative I can really recommend this hat as it incorporates a software controllable CPU fan and a bunch of PWM pins too. This display is completely pixel based driven. Sorry, found a German supplier on first search but there’s surely international ones too:

This looks great.
Thank you.

A pleasure!
Easy to control with Xojo. I used Björn’s library for the necessary methods and can share them.

I’ll take you up on that.

Thank you.

Aaaaaaand ordered!

Make it fast, I don’t have the time to set up a repository right now and WeTransfer only holds files available for 3 days:

I’ll write a few words later. I found I used MBS too for image flipping but that’s not necessary in every case.


Xojo updated the forum software to allow zip uploads so that it’s easier to share projects. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve mirrored your share here.

PWM Hat Standalone.zip (6.4 KB)


Got it, thanks so much.