I was refactoring (trying to) a window and was starting with the Window Properties.
“” icon for a String: OK (but… what is its use in this window ?)
icon for a Picture ??? [No, I do not use 3D Pictures ]
And this is displayed two times its real size (Retina screen shot).
I had to select that entry and read in the Properties pane to know it is a Picture (exactly what I was searching. *
Do you really think this is representative to the Picture Class ?
Xojo: you made efforts to modify the IDE user interface, but here there is a small change to do, please.
And because we cannot (to date) sort the Properties to fit my needs (point of view), I will prefix my three Pictures, so they will be stored together… easier to find.
Admittedly not very informative, but then, for how many classes do want a specific icon? Even if just all the predefined classes had their own icon I doubt these could be easily distinguished.