And kindly offers to create a report… But it insists on launching the FEEDBACK app…
which I don’t have installed…(another story)… but this is for 2016r4 anyways
How can I get information to help me track it down…
And kindly offers to create a report… But it insists on launching the FEEDBACK app…
which I don’t have installed…(another story)… but this is for 2016r4 anyways
How can I get information to help me track it down…
install feedback?
not an option, as I said this is 2016 version, my subscription is expired
not to mention I gave up on feedback years ago when it kept crashing, I was told to enter a feedback report about it…
besides feedback won’t help me today…I don’t have 3 or 4 years to wait
Oh, it’s your program that is crashing? not the ide?
It seems to be crashing on
which IS the window I had added some controls to… but removing them again made no diff…
when it crashes… the debugger shows that this window exists, and everything “looks” ok there
no idea what “CreateControls” is, as it is not any code I wrote
If I put a dummy window where the crash it… it works…well doesn’t crash…
EDIT : still not sure why… but it had something to do with being able to create the custom controls I had added…