The new WebBreadcrumbs!

Como le hago para identificar los items que se van agregando a mi control Breadcrumb? Tengo un control que va incrementando items segun selecciones de un Listbox. Sin embargo, si el usuario hace click en el item2 requiero que se realice una opción especifica. Como hago para identificar los items de dicho control?

Ojalá me puedan ayudar.

Hello @Juan_Vicente_Saúl_Martínez_Mañ,

Apologies in advance if I have misunderstood your question.

RowCount should give you the number of items in the WebBreadCrumb. See:

or, maybe you were trying to get the content of the last item added:

Obtain the index of the last row added by using WebBreadCrumb.LastAddedIndex, see:

, then obtain the value of that index using WebBreadCrumb.RowAt, see

I hope that helps.

Kind regards, Andrew

Thank you Andrew.

I need to know the index item selected.

Regards and thanks !
Juan V. Saúl

It’s not shown in the documentation, but this value is passed as a param in the Pressed event.

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Thank you Tim !