The latest High Sierra prank

For a couple days, it takes a good two minutes for the cursor to appear on my late 2011 Mac.

At first I thought it was a problem on my machine, but then I went

It seems there is indeed a deep sht hitting the fan.

Normal, iOS is built to hate mice :wink:

I was working on some tutorial intro stuff this morning and just passing the clip back and forth between After Effects and Premiere Pro resulted in all sorts of display fun until I eventually saw the CoreGraphics crash that I’d been discussing with Sam Rowlands in another thread.

That’s what I get when I know that bad stuff is happening on 10.13. I’ve now rebooted into 10.12.6. Thank goodness for my StarTech dual disk USB-3 disk docks …

Yet a new prank : Cyberduck relies on the keychain to provide the password when connecting. High Sierra at random ceases to provide that password, although it shows up in Keychain.
I have to reboot to find back a normal behavior :confused: