The free GPIOD Plugin confirmed working on alternate boards

I just wanted to let you all know that I have now been able to confirm the GPIOD Plugin to work on alternate boards. (At least on some boards).

So I basically ran the Async button Guide on Orange Pi One without changing one letter in the Xojo code. All I had to do was to wire up the pins differently due to different pin layout on the board.

The Async button Guide for GPIOD Plugin: Einhugur GPIO Guide for Xojo

I have also successfully let the plugin scan chip and pins of Orange Pi 5 Plus (but not done actual GPIO project on that one)

Have you been able to run something with the plugin on some other alternate boards ? By all means let me know and I will list it as working. Any such info will help other Xojo users wanting to do GPIO on their boards.

To get the free GPIOD plugin (either compiled and ready Xojo plugin or source code):

For more guides custom tailored for the GPIOD Plugin:

(Am still building the guide library it is not yet as big as my old Wiring Pi guide library).