Is it possible to load a TGA image into a canvas?
My guessing is I will need a plugin of some description.
Its just needs to be a small preview also work on Windows and Mac
Einhugur software has a plugin for images. See . But I didn’t see anything about TGA.
The MBS plugin has everything. A bit of Googling tells me that the ImageMagick plugin supports TGA. See .
Thanks Beatrix
Hi Nige,
Here is a pictureFromTGA method a wrote a while back. If I remember correctly it isn’t 100% feature complete, but should work in most instances. Simply load your TGA data into a MemoryBlock, and then call the method to convert it to a Xojo Picture object.
Private Function pictureFromTGA(tgaData As MemoryBlock) As Picture
' X3 is a {Zoclee} initiative.
Dim dataPtr As Ptr
Dim dataPos As Integer
Dim p As Picture
Dim rgbMain As RGBSurface
Dim rgbMask As RGBSurface
Dim pixelCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim maskByte As Byte
Dim yStep As Integer
' tga header information
Dim ImageIDLen As Byte
Dim ColorMap As Byte
Dim ImageType As Byte
Dim ColorMapOrigin As UInt16
Dim ColorMapLen As UInt16
Dim ColorMapEntrySize As Byte
Dim ImageXOrigin As UInt16
Dim ImageYOrigin As UInt16
Dim ImageWidth As Integer
Dim ImageHeight As Integer
Dim ImagePixelSize As Byte
Dim ImageDescriptor As Byte
dataPtr = tgaData
ImageIDLen = dataPtr.Byte(0)
ColorMap = dataPtr.Byte(1)
ImageType = dataPtr.Byte(2)
ColorMapOrigin = dataPtr.UInt16(3)
ColorMapLen = dataPtr.UInt16(5)
ColorMapEntrySize = dataPtr.Byte(7)
ImageXOrigin = dataPtr.UInt16(8)
ImageYOrigin = dataPtr.UInt16(10)
ImageWidth = dataPtr.UInt16(12)
ImageHeight = dataPtr.UInt16(14)
ImagePixelSize = dataPtr.Byte(16)
ImageDescriptor = dataPtr.Byte(17)
p = new Picture(ImageWidth, ImageHeight, 32)
rgbMain = p.RGBSurface
rgbMask = p.Mask.RGBSurface
select case ImageType
case 2 ' ***** Unmapped RGB images ***************************
dataPos = 18 + ImageIDLen + ColorMapLen
pixelCount = ImageWidth * ImageHeight
x = 0
if (ImageDescriptor and 32) > 0 then
y = 0
yStep = 1
y = ImageHeight - 1
yStep = -1
end if
select case ImagePixelSize
case 24
i = 0
while i < pixelCount
rgbMain.Pixel(x, y) = RGB(dataPtr.Byte(dataPos + 2), dataPtr.Byte(dataPos + 1), dataPtr.Byte(dataPos))
rgbMask.Pixel(x, y) = RGB(maskByte, maskByte, 0)
dataPos = dataPos + 3
x = x + 1
if x >= ImageWidth then
x = 0
y = y + yStep
end if
i = i + 1
case 32
i = 0
while i < pixelCount
rgbMain.Pixel(x, y) = RGB(dataPtr.Byte(dataPos + 2), dataPtr.Byte(dataPos + 1), dataPtr.Byte(dataPos))
maskByte = 255 - dataPtr.Byte(dataPos + 3)
rgbMask.Pixel(x, y) = RGB(maskByte, maskByte, maskByte)
dataPos = dataPos + 4
x = x + 1
if x >= ImageWidth then
x = 0
y = y + yStep
end if
i = i + 1
end select
end select
return p
End Function
Thanks Alwyn - some comments on that code:
p = new Picture(ImageWidth, ImageHeight, 32)
This will make an old-style picture object (which has a picture with a separate mask). Depending on the use, the new-style picture might be more useful here:
p = new Picture(ImageWidth, ImageHeight)
if you do that, then there is no need for RGBMask and you can just assign all 4 values (R,G,B,Alpha) to the image itself.
rgbMain.Pixel(x, y) = RGB(dataPtr.Byte(dataPos + 2), dataPtr.Byte(dataPos + 1), dataPtr.Byte(dataPos), maskByte)
Speeding up the code - you may want to add this to the first line:
#pragma DisableBackgroundTasks
Thank you for the optimization tips Michael.
Putting it to 32 bit though puts you in the pre-multiplied alpha situation though, which is fine for just painting the picture, but if you want to further process it then its really a no go.
This sounds interesting Björn. Out of curiosity, what other processing besides painting the picture can one do with TGA?
Thank you! I’ll give it a try today
This is a c# test, basically its a simple tool to load a bunch of images by the prefix created by various texture map software, ShaderMap Pro creates tga’s for normal maps
It doesn’t matter if the images are downgraded as they are never saved, the tool just creates and xml file that the renderer can read
You can do any kind of image processing, like some are doing, brighten, darken, any effect similar to what photoshop and other image applications would do.
Here is why premultiplied alpha channel is not suitable for image processing: