i have to write about 1-5 Million lines to a Textfile by using TextOutputStream (ts). Whats more efficient? To append each line to a array of Text (ta) and then use ts.Write(ta) or write each line via ts.WriteLine(line)? Which one has the better RAM performance?
You need to start somewhere with the chunk size. 1 MB? And then vary it.
Regarding the useage of the chunks it really depends on how you store and access the data. In pseudo-code
dim TextArray(-1) as string
for currentThing = 0 to ubound(Things)
if currentThing = 1000 then
redim TextArray(-1)
You could calculate the size of the text in the and do the check with the sum of the sizes.
Thanks Beatrix. The data is stored in various SQLite tables and temporarily I create objects, which organize all necessary Data from the database. I will have a look forward. Thank you.