TextInputCanvas Update

As you may know there is an open source project called TextInputCanvas. It provides some better text input events to Xojo apps using custom text control like the Formatted Text Control.

Recently Xojo 2017r2 was released which uses GTK in version 3.0 on Linux. Previous versions used GTK 2.

You can load a copy on my plugin download page.

This plugin is build with my plugin build system, so it has MBS in the name and includes libraries for Mac, Windows and Linux including ARM, so you can use it in all projects. If you find a bug related to the building it, please tell me.

A speciality of MBS Plugins with GTK is, that we built plugins to link dynamically to GTK and use either GTK 2 or GTK 3 depending on the Xojo version. This should help to have just one set of plugins to work with Xojo 2013 up to 2020.


Thank you @Christian_Schmitz for your quick and uncomplicated help. You are doing the community a great service. Thank you, Christian!

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Thanks to Christian. The Control now has a white background and a black frame. It’s looking good!