textfield keydown event combination key pressed

What happens when combination key press is implemented in textfield? I met a problem when I trying to allow only certain keyboard input, but I found out that “Ctrl+C” and “Enter” key on the NUM keypad has same ASCII code. Both of them are 0x03 in ASCII. How could I deal with it and furthermore is there anyother similar case here?


see http://documentation.xojo.com/index.php/Keyboard
Ctl+C will have a keyboard modifier
Enter won’t

[quote=215131:@Norman Palardy]see http://documentation.xojo.com/index.php/Keyboard
Ctl+C will have a keyboard modifier
Enter won’t[/quote]
So I have to add something like

If Keyboard.ControlKey = TrueThen 'Don't consider it's a valid input Return True Else 'put some codes here End If

More curious, what did I see when I press combination key and it pass to key parameter in the event handler? Why it looks the same when I set break point and debug it? Thank you!