how can i give the used espeak by System.Speak at linux arguments?
espeak -vde “zu sprechender Text”
command = "espeak -g9 -a 30 -v+ m5" + "hello world"
You can find the meaning of the parameters in the espeak documentation.
[quote=474478:@Frank Hoogerbeets]command = "espeak -g9 -a 30 -v+ m5" + "hello world"
You can find the meaning of the parameters in the espeak documentation.[/quote]
so you would use shell execute and not the speak command?
[quote=474470:@Markus Rauch]hello,
how can i give the used espeak by System.Speak at linux arguments?
espeak -vde “zu sprechender Text”[/quote]
Are you using the Xojo “Speak” functions or calling speak from a Shell?
If using the Xojo Speak function, there aren’t currently any mechanisms for setting the options (maybe a feature request).
If using a Shell, you must keep in mind whether you want processing in your app to pause (blocking) or continue (non-blocking) while the speech is played. If you want your app to wait, you would use a mode=0 shell or mode=1 with a Poll loop until the espeak command completes. The polling allows your GUI to remain responsive. If you want it to be non-blocking and your app to continue processing, use a mode=1 shell.
theShell.Mode = 1
// blocking
theShell.Execute "speak -v ""en-us"" -s 125 """ + theSpeechText + """"
Loop Until Not theShell.IsRunning
For non-blocking, just drop the Do … Loop.