Seems the string reported from System.CommandLine is different from Mac and Windows.
A quick test show this:
/Users/massimo/Desktop/My Application.debug a b c
"C:\\Users\\massimo\\Desktop\\Xojo 2015r2.1 Remote Debugger\\Temp\\DebugMy Application\\DebugMy Application.exe" a b c
On Windows, the first argument (the launched application) is quoted, while on Mac is not. I can handle this, sure, but the problem is on Mac I can’t split arguments properly, when the path contains spaces. Now I wish on Mac to have the quoted application path like on Windows, also for consistency.
The LR reports
“…if the application “Foo.exe” was executed with the call “Foo.exe a b c”, then CommandLine would contain “Foo.exe a b c”. This is valid for Windows, Mac OS X built using the Mach-O format, and Linux applications”
Which is not what happens, so the LR is wrong or a bug exists.
So far, the only solution I found is quoting the arguments, to distinguish them from the application path.
Any suggestion on how to solve the blank space with unquoted path on Mac?