SyncShell + ProgressBar


While Sync Shell is processing something, I want to show ProgressBar on screen.
Due to the Sync attribute, the ProgressBar is frozen then after shell job is finished, right then the ProgressBar disappears.
It doesn’t look good.

Do you think there is any way to show the ProgressBar smoothly?


I referred the below code but it doesn’t make a difference.

link text

without seeing any code it’s not easy to answer
try Shell Mode 1

i use a progressbar while downloading with CURL in a shell
Forum Post

[quote=214464:@changwon lee]Hi,

While Sync Shell is processing something, I want to show ProgressBar on screen.
Due to the Sync attribute, the ProgressBar is frozen then after shell job is finished, right then the ProgressBar disappears.
It doesn’t look good.

Do you think there is any way to show the ProgressBar smoothly?[/quote]
With a synchronous shell the entire xojo app waits until the call to the shell completes
It has no choice - its not running xojo code nor does whatever you ran in the shell know to yield time back to your app

An Async shell might be an option
That way the process is started and when it completes the shell then raises the completed event
You can do something else in the mean time - like allow the progress bar to run

Yes. I’m trying to change it Async shell now.
I realized that Sync shell is not mandatory in my app.

Thanks for the comment.