As contribution to community, I released SVGDocument as opensource in GitHub. There are others add-ons to support SVG, but my implementation could be used as interactive maps in a canvas like:
Hope it is useful. for the next commit I’ll change the map, Greenland are BIG!, I notice just when I see the picture and it’s wrong, but is the svg map I found it.
[quote=485876:@Greg O’Lone]Your read me says:[/quote] 2019r9.1
I’ll change this too, …when I saw the pandemic maps, I thought: “I can do that in xojo!” (the maps I mean), so maybe my unconscious betrayed me.
[quote=485983:@Bernardo Monsalve]Hope it is useful. for the next commit I’ll change the map, Greenland are BIG!, I notice just when I see the picture and it’s wrong, but is the svg map I found it.
It’s a Mercator Projection, which projects the sphere onto a cylinder. It makes things look bigger closer to the poles.