Super Class Textfield.Text To use Text instead of String

I use a common class in iOS and Desktop / web App that i need to assign a Text format, but from Textfield and some other Controls in the Desktop and Web app, i can’t use directly the Text from the Control because it’s a string. I’m trying to superclass it, but «Text» is a Keyword

Exemple :

MyModelClass.APropertyText as text = TextField.Text as string

i can’t use .Text.ToText (because i would need to add that to 1100 other Controls)

I was wondering if is there a way to superclass the .Text


superclassTextField.Text as Text
do the conversion…

You definitely cant insert a superclass

And a subclass wont let you use Text as the name for a property, method etc since its a type name
I know a way to hack in a method overload for a subclass but I would not recommend it since it could break at any time

conditional compilation?

Convert your property to private and add two setters one that accepts text & another that accepts String and converts it to text defining the encoding. You may want to add a getter that returns the text property. Don’t forget to use the compatibility flags in the advanced section of the inspector to exclude the string setter from iOS projects.

it was a good idea, but the IDE said there already a setter with the same name :-/

I don’t see why that would not work. I’ve just quickly tried - seems to work just fine:


[code]Private Property mAPropertyText as Text

Public Function APropertyText() as Text
return mAPropertyText
End Function

Public Sub APropertyText(Assigns psString As String)
me.mAPropertyText = psString.ToText
End Sub

Public Sub APropertyText(Assigns psText As Text)
me.mAPropertyText = psText
End Sub

[quote=428910:@Jürg Otter]I don’t see why that would not work. I’ve just quickly tried - seems to work just fine:


[code]Private Property mAPropertyText as Text

Public Function APropertyText() as Text
return mAPropertyText
End Function

Public Sub APropertyText(Assigns psString As String)
me.mAPropertyText = psString.ToText
End Sub

Public Sub APropertyText(Assigns psText As Text)
me.mAPropertyText = psText
End Sub

The properity name is “Text”

like : TextField.Text

As Normand said, I can’t use it :frowning: