I am new to Xojo, but I am not new to programming.
I have created a web page with many controls on it.
How can I take my existing page and subclass it so that I may reuse it in many places?
It seems like you have to start with an empty subclass and move all the control and methods into it. It would seem like there should be a “Subclass this” command someplace in the IDE.
I have looked for a pretty long time. Please excuse me if this is a silly question and I have just missed it.
I presume it’s like the windows.
you must make a master class, then make a window subclassing the master class.
so make a class, name it “mymasterwebpage”, make the super to “webpage”
make all the methods you want in it, create controls on the fly
then when you make a new webpage, make the super to “mymasterwebpage”
should go like that.
Thank you for the quick response!
I get that, but I have an EXISTING webpage that I wish to Subclass.
I cant just change the Super to : mymasterwebpage (can I?)
[quote=402539:@Jay Underwood]Thank you for the quick response!
I get that, but I have an EXISTING webpage that I wish to Subclass.
I cant just change the Super to : mymasterwebpage (can I?)[/quote]
I dont suggest doing it that way. Youll have much better success by putting all of the super stuff in a container control and then placing an instance on each page.