String vs. UTF-8, perhaps

Some years back we were all being encouraged to switch from String to Text (now deprecated). Part of the reason, I seem to recall, had to do with some deficiencies that String might suffer from in its handling of UTF8. Such as perhaps not being able to properly handle the longer multi-byte characters. I’m a bit hazy about this so would appreciate anyone’s recollections.

I have a method which searches through the characters of a string, and a user now reports, after some years without a problem, it giving an OutOfBoundsException. My unit tests seem to work OK, but perhaps the data being fed to in the user’s case is bad in some way so that ordinary String methods behave badly.

I gave the user a special version which catches the exception and writes everything to a log file, but he just deleted the bad data instead of sending me the log. So I’m working a bit in the dark here.

Can you show us the code that iterates through the characters?

Here you go:

Sub textfromhtml (hb as String) As String

// Returns the supplied html body with all HTML elements removed. Also   are replaced by a
// space. <style> elements are detected and everything between <style> and </style> is removed.
// Note that the output doesn't have to look pretty as it will only be used to calculate a
// spam score.

Var  i, loc, startind, stylend, len, top As Integer, bodchrs(), outchrs() as String, exitfl, innerfl As Boolean
Var  bodtxt As String, re As RegEx, ro As RegExOptions

loc     = 0                                         // Start at the beginning
bodchrs = hb.split ("")                             // Copy the body as an array
exitfl  = False
len     = bodchrs.LastIndex

while  (True)                                       // Loop looking for elements
  startind = bodchrs.IndexOf ("<", loc)             // Look for opening <
  if  (startind=-1)  then                           // Not found, prepare for exit
    exitfl   = True
    startind = bodchrs.LastIndex + 1                // Will want to copy to the end
  end if
  if  (startind>loc)  then                          // Found some text
    top = startind - 1
    for i=loc to top                                // So copy those chars
      outchrs.Add (bodchrs(i))
    if  (exitfl=True)  then Exit                    // We'd reached the end
    outchrs.Add (" ")                               // Insert a space to keep text separated
  end if
  loc = bodchrs.IndexOf (">", startind)             // Look for closing >
  if  (loc=-1 or loc=bodchrs.LastIndex)  then Exit  // Does not exist, give up
  i = startind                                      // Check if the element was a <style>
  if  (bodchrs(i+1)<>"s" or bodchrs(i+2)<>"t" or bodchrs(i+3)<>"y" or bodchrs(i+4)<>"l" or bodchrs(i+5)<>"e")  then
    loc = loc + 1
    Continue                                        // Not a style element
  end if
  loc     = i + 6                                   // Go past <style
  innerfl = False
  while  (True)                                     // Now look for a </style> element
    stylend = bodchrs.IndexOf ("<", loc)            // Look for next <
    if  (stylend=-1)  then                          // Not found, just exit
      innerfl = True
    end if
    i = stylend
    if  (len<(i+8))  then                           // Not enough chars left to examine
      innerfl = True
    end if
    loc = bodchrs.IndexOf (">", stylend)            // Look for closing >
    if  (bodchrs(i+1)="/" and bodchrs(i+2)="s" and bodchrs(i+3)="t" and bodchrs(i+4)="y" and bodchrs(i+5)="l" and bodchrs(i+6)="e")  then
      if  (loc=-1 or loc=bodchrs.LastIndex)  then innerfl = True     // Does not exist, give up
      loc = loc + 1
      Exit                                          // Take us past the end of the </style>
    end if
    loc = loc + 1
  if  (innerfl=True)  then Exit

bodtxt = String.FromArray(outchrs, "").ReplaceAll("&nbsp;", " ")

ro = new RegExOptions
ro.CaseSensitive     = False
ro.ReplaceAllMatches = True

re = new RegEx
re.Options = ro
re.SearchPattern      = "\s+"
re.ReplacementPattern = " "

Return  re.Replace(bodtxt).trim ()

Users deleting bad data unfortunately happens now and then. I slap a try/catch on the code usually and hope that another user will find the same bug.

I’ve got some regexes doing the same thing.

I see some possible issues:

len     = bodchrs.LastIndex

that’s confusing at best, perhaps wrong. “len” implies “length” and lastIndex is zero-based not one based. Could you have an OBOE?

 loc     = i + 6                                   // Go past <style

You can’t assume the <style> tag is 6 (7) characters long, as many HTML tags can have other attributes, for example:

<style type="text/css">
is a legal style tag.
See HTML style type Attribute


This kind of code can lead to an “out of bound exception” if triggered near to the end of an array without proper guard code.

E.g. in the string “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST” and i is at R, evaluating it will break things.

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Well of course I have an OOBE, that’s why I made my OP. But I haven’t, as yet, been able to find a string to break it.

I’m not going past <style>, I’m going past <style.

So far I’ve not found any text to break it, although some minor optimisations could be made. A string such as:

some text <>x

doesn’t break it as the test that @Rick_Araujo quoted exits early.

Whatever the cause of your issues, I doubt it has anything to do with encoding unless the string is coming in with some multi-byte encoding like UTF-16 and is not labelled as such.

That is, Xojo thinks the UTF-16 encoded string is UTF-8, or doesn’t know what it is (encoding is nil).

(Remember, encoding tells Xojo how to interpret the bytes within the string, much like a file extension tells your computer how to open a file.)

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Const TextString As String = "ABCEDFGHIJKLMNOPQRST"

Var bodchrs() As String = TextString.Split("")

Var limit As Integer = bodchrs.LastIndex

For i As Integer = 0 to limit
  If bodchrs(i) = "R" Then // We are on top of "R"
    // TiM S code being tested
    if (bodchrs(i+1)<>"s" or bodchrs(i+2)<>"t" or bodchrs(i+3)<>"y" _
      or bodchrs(i+4)<>"l" or bodchrs(i+5)<>"e") then
      MessageBox "ok 1"
      MessageBox "ok 2"


How to fix? Many ways, but just adding a guard code you will protect the range as:

Const TextString As String = "ABCEDFGHIJKLMNOPQRST"

Var bodchrs() As String = TextString.Split("")

Var limit As Integer = bodchrs.LastIndex

For i As Integer = 0 to limit
  If bodchrs(i) = "R" Then // We are on top of "R"
    // TiM S code being tested
    If i+5 <= limit Then // guard code
      if (bodchrs(i+1)<>"s" or bodchrs(i+2)<>"t" or bodchrs(i+3)<>"y" _
        or bodchrs(i+4)<>"l" or bodchrs(i+5)<>"e") then
        MessageBox "ok 1"


Your test is interesting but irrelevant. You can always break any method by extracting a part of it. I’m looking for an ordinary piece of html (or badly formed html, perhaps) that breaks my method, not just some part of it. Such would be useful to me, in fact.

Such would not surprise me at all. Dealing with unsolicited input data such as an email is made harder by the fact the servers (a) lie about encodings or (b) don’t bother to follow the RFCs or (c) define their own additions.

Well, I tried to help with relevant information being ignored. But ok anyway. I don’t know why you ask for help.

You perhaps overlooked:

loc = bodchrs.IndexOf (">", startind)             // Look for closing >
if  (loc=-1 or loc=bodchrs.LastIndex)  then Exit  // Does not exist, give up

which is my guard code.

I haven’t found a way to trigger the out-of-bounds exception, but I have found some legal HTML which causes the output to be incorrect:

Text at the first line.
h1 {
 /* here is a comment with a </style> tag inside it */
Text at the last line.

returns this:

Text at the first line. tag inside it */ } Text at the last line.

That’s not a guard code. That’s one expectation.

This remember me one case I always remember, I probably already wrote it here few years ago, maybe. I was at a meeting, someone presenting a code and explaining what he would be doing to process something and I noticed a possible fail in a extreme case and said “But what if it receives a 0 (zero) as input?” and the answer was “We will never will a get a zero there” (no guard code for such exception). Few weeks later we had crashes… a zero got there.

Nothing stops a server sending me:

Content-Type: text/html charset=UTF-8

and in fact giving me something else. If the user ever sends me the log file and I can pin the issue down to this sort of issue, then I may rewrite this using SplitB rather than Split or perhaps copy to a memoryblock. But I have other things to focus on, which is why I was curious about Text vs. String, and what was supposedly wrong with String such that we were encouraged to embrace Text.

Thanks. This was only meant to be a simple method that gets rid of most stuff. And as the comments say, the output is used to calculate a spam score. I’m not going to worry if that’s off by a point or two. An OOBE, however is more important.

I have just a few thoughts.

First, I’m not aware of any overtly nasty bugs in Xojo’s handling of UTF-8 data in String. It’s such an overwhelmingly popular use case that I would assume almost all of the bugs would have been identified and smooshed by now. You’ll note that the replies to your post have breezed right past your question about Strings vs Text, because it doesn’t seem to be relevant; you’re using String, so let’s figure out why that isn’t working. Maybe there really is a bug in String that you are somehow triggering.

Second - in this situation, where (possibly) bad data is causing your code to crash, you have two options:

  • Get your hands on the data triggering the issue

…and if that isn’t possible…

  • Go through your code and eliminate all the possible errors, even those which you don’t think could be the problem. Throw out your assumptions about the incoming data, because one of them is wrong and you don’t know which one it is. Add checks and logging for every conceivable corner case.
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To briefly address your question about Text: Text was supposed to be a partial replacement for String that explicitly ONLY handles textual data with a specified text encoding. The String datatype allows a Nil text encoding and can be used to store and manipulate arbitrary binary data; Text would not.

Text failed and is now deprecated for a variety of reasons, most prominently the fact that String wasn’t removed. The code changes required to transition code from String to Text were considerable, and since String was still a part of the framework and used all over the place, there was little incentive to switch. It drove everybody crazy trying to use Text and String in the same project until Xojo decided it wasn’t worth the effort and deprecated it.