Strange NilObjectException in 2016r1.1

In 2016r1.1 I get a NilObjectException with the following code (which works fine in 2015 or previous versions of Xojo.
What’s the error? Thanks!

    if ButtonIcon <> nil then = RGB(255,255,255) // exception here!
   end if

ButtonIcon is a Picture. If it’s not nil how the graphics could be nil? I am puzzled, also because this worked in previous versions…

A picture has only a graphics, if it is editable.
Images with different resolutions are read only.

You already asked this, about the same icon:

Although it sounds crazy, yes, it can now return nil.
Jargon aside, Xojo have decided that you can no longer do things TO the graphics of a picture if it is the ‘wrong kind of picture’.

eg to amend it, it must be one you create in code, not one you load from disc. (Mutable vs not)

In the other post the advice was create a new picture, which will have a mutable graphics property.
Paint the icon to it
Change the forecolor
draw on it

Then assign it, or draw it to something like a canvas in the paint event

[quote=265986:@Jeff Tullin]You already asked this, about the same icon:

Although it sounds crazy, yes, it can now return nil.
Jargon aside, Xojo have decided that you can no longer do things TO the graphics of a picture if it is the ‘wrong kind of picture’.

eg to amend it, it must be one you create in code, not one you load from disc. (Mutable vs not)

In the other post the advice was create a new picture, which will have a mutable graphics property.
Paint the icon to it
Change the forecolor
draw on it

Then assign it, or draw it to something like a canvas in the paint event[/quote]

Thanks, believe it or not but I forgot I had already asked this question…I am getting old…