Strange GetOpenFolderitem dialog

I’m just facing a strange problem, I never had before: Using This command


I get a proper working dialog window. Everything works fine except of the fact, that it never again disappears till the program quits.

My version is XOJO 2018 Release 1.1 on Mac OS 10.13.3.

Did you drop a file (from the Finder) into the Open Dialog ?

What happens when you click in the Cancel button ?

I get a NilObjectException. Dropping a file doesn’t do anything.

It change the default name and sometimes you cannot have an action when you click in OK (the default button, was it Open ?).

Will check, but with 10.13.5

[code]Dim Tab_Fi As FolderItem

Works fine here, a click in Cancel does not give a NilObjectException.

But it should and you should check in code for the FolderItem beeing eventually NIL, or?

Sasha, that was not the op subject. You are right, but for that, Bernhard have to be able to click on OK (or Open or… I forgot).

And he got NOE whan click in Cancel, thus my answer. Far above, he does not shows the line where I Dim Tab_Fi …

[quote=392827:@Bernhard Brämswig]I’m just facing a strange problem, I never had before: Using This command


I get a proper working dialog window. Everything works fine except of the fact, that it never again disappears till the program quits.

My version is XOJO 2018 Release 1.1 on Mac OS 10.13.3.[/quote]
Did you happen to upgrade to High Sierra at the same time as upgrading to 2018r1? The “dialog not dismissing” thing started when High Sierra was released last fall.