i try to implement Subscription in App.
But i failed, when a want to get the ExpirationDate.
My code
Var r as AppReceiptMBS = AppReceiptMBS.bundleReceipt
if r <> Nil then
r.setAppleRootCertificate AppleIncRootCertificate
Var a as new AppReceiptVerificatorMBS
if a.verifyAppReceipt then
L.text= "Valid until : "+r.expirationDateTime.SQLDate
L.text= "MAS Receipt verification failed: " + a.FailReason
end if
LabelAbonnement.text= "No valid subscription"
end if
catch n as NilObjectException
end try
In-app purchase are OK and working . I get my list of purchase item. If i try to resubscribe, i’ve a message box tell me i have a valid subscription.
But… when i want to get the ExpirationDate, i got a message : “MAS Receipt verification failed : Failed to get MAC address”.
Test with compile app, transfered to a iPad mini 6th gen and a iPhone 13 mini. Same error.
In app buy with a sandbox account.