Stability of XOJO

Does it?
There was a bug bash last august; we might consider that a “patch release” :man_shrugging:

No heart on my login to this forum.

In both Brave and Safari.

Not sure why not :slight_smile:

I was hoping the Rapid Release system had been retired.
I code mostly in Django and Python at the moment - very stable.
We’re only releasing for the web at the moment but I’d like to be able to other platforms hence why I’m considering XOJO.

Same. 5.5.5 was/is solid.

Make a new thread with “Forum” instead of “Getting started”, on this problem.

Edit: Sorry “Site Feedback” rather than “Forum”.

Yes there was a bug bash las August…???
I was around for it same as you, are you saying there has been no updates since then???


No, just that August of 2022 was a month where Xojo focused on bugs (no new feature nor thinking about other things than bugs). After August, things went back to normal, with “less bugs fixes”, but still releases.

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