SSD available space disappears fast… while downloading files

In a project (the same where I have OutOfMemory Error), I have the SSD available space that disappears fast…

Before the application left, I quit Firefox, clears the trash, and wait until the quit happens.
I take note of the available disk space in the boot SSD.

Then, I shut down the computer, wait a minute and reboot.

Once in the Finder and the boot process is done, I get 11 GB of free SSD space. * I checked the Trash and there was nothing to clear in it (of course).

Yes, around 17GB of free space is far better than 6GB, but how that comes ?

BTW: the application download files from the internet (around 626 files before the crash / 668MB, but the crash happened earlier, on July 26, 2016).

No, I do not do any cache stuff, but I do not know what Xojo do silently.

Also, I ran the application four or five times (repeatitive crashes…) without shutdown / reboot and noticed the memory leak only in this “download session”.

  • I already noticed that weeks ago (at two or three different days), but I do not realized who could the faultive.

Feel free to send clues and advices if you have idea(s).

Well I am really not sure if either Xojo is doing something or Apple is doing something. All I know is that you can invoke different functions to download something.

By default, you let the system (or Xojo) do what it wants and it will usually choose to store the temporary file into the, guess what, “temporary folder”. Only when (and if) downloading is complete, will it move the file to its desired location.

Overall, it means a lot to you because you don’t have much space left on your disk but is ignored by many others.

Yes, but it must not be ignored by many because Apple sold laptop with 128GB SSD sized Mine is 256GB.

This can be possible, but only if Xojo delete its contents and Xojo do not do that when you are reading the local Language Reference. Nothing was left in the Trash (it was useless, but I checked)

The first time I noticed a large gain of SSD mass storage memory gain, I was asking myself about what files were deleted by Apple :(.

Do you believe some people “never” power off / power on their computer (that is they Power it ON once, and never shut it down !).

@Emile Schwarz — I agree with you, the OS should work. But I also think that the OS should tell us, the users, that it is experiencing some borderline conditions and that it cannot work as well as with the latest iPhone X. (mais on va pas s’engueuler entre Strasbourgeois!)

Well that brings us a little bit off your initial question.

11GB is not enough for a healthy system.
with such low space it can do whatever he wants…
don’t work on a disk with less than 20-30GB of free space, or anything can happen.
just mt 2cts. (and being apple certified technician for 30 years …)
if you have 8GB of ram, the system will need it to swap, as soon as you boot it makes gb of files on the boot disk.

[quote=420076:@Jean-Yves Pochez]don’t work on a disk with less than 20-30GB of free space, or anything can happen.
just mt 2cts. (and being apple certified technician for 30 years …)[/quote]

Wow, how things have changed over the decades…

When a big file is expected, the os may reserve space upfront.
So available space may look smaller than it is.

GB instead of KB, else, the things does not have changed much (Color instead of green DOS like Apple II)…

Below these values of free space, the whole OS start to slow down.

I am fighting every week to move files from boot SSD to larger external storage HDD…

That is the reason why I am always looking at the free space on boot SSD.

Unlucky, the internal SSD cannot be replaced (after buying the laptop), thanks to Apple.

what is your macbook year/model ?

MacBook Pro 13", 4 years old on last November 24th…

Also: after 5 y/o, an Apple hardware do ot have any spare parts, so changing the memory / he (even when possible) is a bet on the whole computer life (will it stays alive for 1, 2 3, 4, ? year(s) ?)

At last, at buy time, a laptop with a 256MB / 512MB / 1024MB (or larger) is EXPENSIVE (depends on your revenue, of course).

Three MacBook Pro ago, I expanded its memory and inserted a 1TB internal HDD (@ 7200rpm) and I was very happy with it, but I had to change it (Battery size grows until the TouchPad stopped to work and some ore other troubles). I had a 3 years insurance from FNAC and I changed it.

France: I have both a MacWay shop (< 2 KM) and the Illkirsch headquarters (< 5 KM) near where I live: I can buy from them for a low price (and Kehl is less than 3KM from my house: a Fun Computer shop exists there).

for a retina 2014,
exists also with 960GB

I think the two needed screwdrivers are given with it.

there are (for now) no known problems with retina 2014 macbooks.
well not as the 2011 graphic card problems…

I had one of these… I never was able to use my extenal 21" monitor to anything but TV…

Thanks for the hint. (now back to Stratton on NRJ12 TV).

I had the 2012 retina with the graphic card problem, but was always able to use dual 27" monitors with it. Bought it with 240GB or so SSD, then installed 512GB (or so) ssd from OWC, then 1TB (or so) also from OWC. When the GPU had an issue, Apple replaced the whole motherboard free, except I paid a little to get a new battery installed at the same time. The after market SSDs were also twice as fast as the 2012 factory SSD.

But nothing like the SSD speeds in my 2018 MBP.

Sounds like VM to me. I often end up crashing my whole machine once it reaches about 80GB of RAM usage. I’ve made sure that I have 128 GB free on the boot disk, but the machine craps out at 80 GB, with about 40 gb to spare.

Once I reboot, I have the whole 128 GB free again, until I start doing stuff and it steadily climbs up and up again.

So, I am not alone…

No, no you’re not alone in this.

I wonder if ‘virtual memory’ is allocating a lot of space on the SSD,
Turn spot light privacy on in the folder you are downloading to.