SQLitePreparedStatement duplicated in User Guide

I can’t see any logical reason for this, but working through the Framework UserGuide, and on page 138 there are 2 examples.

In both cases, the sql select statement is duplicated :

sql = "SELECT * FROM Player WHERE Team = ? SELECT * FROM Player WHERE Team = ?" Dim ps As SQLitePreparedStatement

Is this just a typo, or is there a logical reason for duplicating the statement ?

That’s not the whole example right?
They differ at setting the type of each parameter.
(If I’m looking at the same as you…)

Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT * FROM Player WHERE Team = ? SELECT *
FROM Player WHERE Team = ?"
Dim ps As SQLitePreparedStatement
ps = db.Prepare(sql)
// Identify the type of the first parameter
ps.BindType(0, SQLitePreparedStatement.SQLITE_TEXT)
// Bind the first parameter to a value
[b]ps.Bind(0, "Seagulls")[/b]
Dim rs As RecordSet
[b]rs = ps.SQLSelect[/b]
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT * FROM Player WHERE Team = ? SELECT *
FROM Player WHERE Team = ?"
Dim ps As SQLitePreparedStatement
ps = db.Prepare(sql)
// Identify the type of the first parameter
ps.BindType(0, SQLitePreparedStatement.SQLITE_TEXT)
Dim rs As RecordSet
[b]rs = ps.SQLSelect("Seagulls")[/b]

Hmm, tried to use BOLD on some lines…look at the lines thats surrounded by the “b”…

sorry, maybe I was not clear.

In both cases, the following SELECT statement is duplicated in the same line :

sql = "SELECT * FROM Player WHERE Team = ? SELECT * FROM Player WHERE Team = ?"

so even if the sql line is correct, shouldn’t there be 2 parameters passed, as there are two ’ ? ’ in the line.

haha! Didn’t see that!
Yepp, your right. The SQL query seems to be wrong, there are two queries in the same query :slight_smile:
File an FR on that.

File an FR on that. ??

Oh sorry. File a “bug” report on the Users Guide in Feedback :slight_smile:

Many Thanks Albin. Have sent in the bug report.