Hi All.
This is making me crazy… so hopefully someone can help.
I am trying to insert into a database values in textboxes.
When I do this:
theInsertStringForTransactions = “INSERT INTO theTransactions (nameOfPayee, dateAndTime, categoryClass, memoOfTransaction, amountOfTransaction, totalBalance) VALUES (‘payee’,‘date’,‘class’,‘memo’,‘555’,‘98765.43’)”
And it works just fine.
If I do this:
theInsertStringForTransactions = “INSERT INTO theTransactions (nameOfPayee, dateAndTime, categoryClass, memoOfTransaction, amountOfTransaction, totalBalance) VALUES ('”+winTransactionWindow.textNameOfPayee.Text+“‘’,‘date’,‘class’,‘memo’,‘555’,‘98765.43’)”
The sqlExecute command fails. It even shows that when I step through that there is nothing in the winTransactionWindow.textNameOfPayee.text shows nothing in it. But I’m darn sure there is something in there.
Any ideas?