I need to build a temporary table from a complex selection of records from a SQLite table.
Is there a way to duplicate the record from one table into another table without manually copying each individual field?
I need to build a temporary table from a complex selection of records from a SQLite table.
Is there a way to duplicate the record from one table into another table without manually copying each individual field?
look at INSERT syntax with a SELECT
look at insert form #2…
scott was too quick
Thanks to both of you…
extra option would be to use sqlitebrowser.org app for mac/win and play with db and later to transfer on simulator/device to use in your app
or even better… Tadpole for mac/win available at rdS.com/tadpole and written 100% in Xojo
Yea but Tadpole is demo version and sqlitebrowser is free and finale app which you can use.
SQLiteStudio.pl is my favorite at the moment and is also free.
[quote=349975:@Bill Plunkett]I need to build a temporary table from a complex selection of records from a SQLite table.
Is there a way to duplicate the record from one table into another table without manually copying each individual field?
Here’s some code for you that results with an array of NewTableKeys. You’ll need to change xol.TextUUIDGenerate to your own UUID generating code. I think I use Kem’s UUID Generator…
[code] Dim OldTableKey, NewTableKey, NewTableKeys() As String
// Find the Record
SQL = “SELECT * FROM " + TableName + " WHERE " + TableKeyName + " = ?”
Dim PSDuplicate As PreparedSQLStatement
PSDuplicate = Database.Prepare( SQL )
PSDuplicate.Bind( 0, TableKey )
PSDuplicate.BindType( 0, MySQLPreparedStatement.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING )
Records = PSDuplicate.SQLSelect
// Duplicates Each Record from a Previous Query. Assumes the TableKey field is in the Recordset.
If Records <> Nil Then
For i As Integer = 1 To Records.RecordCount
OldTableKey = Records.Field( TableKeyName ).StringValue
If OldTableKey <> "" Then
// Dup the record and set the TableKey to be a Unique value.
NewTableKey = xol.TextUUIDGenerate
NewTableKeys.Append( NewTableKey )
SQL = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmptableDup SELECT * FROM " + TableName + " WHERE " + TableKeyName + " = " + OldTableKey.StringQuoteSingle + " ; "
Database.SQLExecute( SQL )
SQL = "UPDATE tmptableDup SET " + TableKeyName + " = " + NewTableKey.StringQuoteSingle + " ; "
Database.SQLExecute( SQL )
SQL = "INSERT INTO " + TableName + " SELECT * FROM tmptableDup ; "
Database.SQLExecute( SQL )
Database.SQLExecute( SQL )
End If
End If[/code]