I have an windows desktop application which runs good for years. I am adding/changing modules in the application, but suddenly it has a db error in a part I have not touched for years. I tried older saves too, but they got the same error. The weird thing is that the db let itself open well, and after a check if the db is op, the db closes.
f = GetFolderItem(gPathDB+"DTS.db",3)
db = new SQLiteDatabase
if db.Connect = true then
ExecSql = "SELECT * from Disaster where dDate like '"+MyDate+"%' and dType = 'vu' and dRetPeriod > "+str(RetVUPer)
rs = db.SQLSelect(Execsql)
if rs.Field("dEvtCode").Value = Nil then
if d.month =1 then
ExecSql = "SELECT * from Disaster where dDate like '"+str(d.year-1)+"12' and dType = 'vu' and dRetPeriod > "+str(RetVUPer)
rs = db.SQLSelect(Execsql)
ExecSql = "SELECT * from Disaster where dDate like '"+str(d.year)+str(format(d.month-1,"00"))+ "%' and dType = 'vu' and dRetPeriod > "+str(RetVUPer)
rs = db.SQLSelect(Execsql)
end if
end if
After the “if db.Connect = true then” I see this:
and it continues till th ers statement and then I do get an “database disk image is malformed”
When I check the database with SQLite browser I can do everything. When I execute in de browser the statement as created in the code, the statement shows the record.
The weird thing is that it happened suddenly. Before today it did run like a charm.
I tried also to run the app. on a copy of the db on another disk, but same result.
I use:
Edition | Windows 11 Pro |
Version | 23H2 |
Installed on | ‎3-‎6-‎2024 |
OS build | 22631.4751 |
Experience | Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1055.0 |
and HW:
|Processor|Intel(R) Core™ i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz|
|Installed RAM|16,0 GB|
|Device ID|18FBF0B0-420C-4D12-8A36-C6F3715093DC|
|Product ID|00330-80000-00000-AA348|
|System type|64-bit operating system, x64-based processor|
|Pen and touch|No pen or touch input is available for this display|