SQLite DatabaseRow PictureValue not compiling

In xojo 2023r4 i made a simple project to store png image in sqlite database.
But when i try to run my code i’ve an error :

HOME.BtnSave.Pressed, line 48
This is not an array but you are using it as one
DummyRS.Column("photo").PictureValue(Picture.Formats.PNG) = pic

My code is

Var file As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.ExternalStorage.Child("test.png")
Var pic As Picture = Picture.Open(file)
Var DummyRS As RowSet = DB.SelectSQL("SELECT id, photo FROM photos WHERE id = ?", DB.LastRowID)
DummyRS.Column("photo").PictureValue(Picture.Formats.PNG) = pic

What’s the trouble ?

Shouldn’t it be:

DummyRS.Column("photo").PictureValue = pic

The doc appears to agree with the OP:

Set the picture value of a column in a RowSet:

' rs is a RowSet with an picture column called "Photo" and MyPhoto is a picture:
rs.Column("Photo").PictureValue(Picture.Formats.PNG) = MyPhoto

This self contained test works:

Var db As New SQLiteDatabase
db.Connect // in memory
db.ExecuteSQL("CREATE TABLE photo (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, apng BLOB); INSERT INTO photo (id, apng) VALUES (1, NULL);")
Var pic As New Picture(10, 10)
Var rs As RowSet = DB.SelectSQL("SELECT * FROM photo WHERE id = 1;")
rs.Column("apng").PictureValue(Picture.Formats.PNG) = pic
MessageBox "OK"

No, with this i have this error :

HOME.BtnSave.Pressed, line 48
Cannot assign a value to this property
DummyRS.Column("photo").PictureValue = pic

Not for me, i create a new empty project an i have this error with your code :

HOME.BtnTest.Pressed, line 7
This is not an array but you are using it as one
rs.Column("apng").PictureValue(Picture.Formats.PNG) = pic

I don’t know if it’s important but i have a xojo mobile license, not Pro or Pro+


When you say “empty project”, does this mean an iOS/Android project? If so try the same thing with an empty Desktop project.

Report the issue. https://xojo.com/issues

Android is not feature complete and you found something.

If i make a desktop project, it’s work.
I can’t test with an IOs project, i’m on Windows.

Then you should follow @Rick_Araujo 's good advice.

By the way when reporting any problem always say which platform, which version of the IDE, which version of the OS, and which project type.