SQLite API 2 - book updated to 2.2, Oct 2022

I Wish I Knew How To…Program #SQLite with #Xojo API2 Version 2.2 book has just been released. It’s a free update for Version 2.x purchasers. More book information can be viewed at https://scispec.ca/index.php/books and can be purchased at https://xdevlibrary.com.


Updates to Version (2.2 — October 2022):

  • Performed updates to many of the examples (40+ examples) which prevent crashing when cancelling the use of FileDialog use in programs
  • Added the reference to view Xojo SQLite encrypted databases with SQLite Manager
  • Added information on the description of Write Ahead Logging.
  • Changed the executable of some example programs to the default MyApplication or My Application
  • Fixed issue with the user pressing cancel in Example 25-1
  • Added BOM issue example with Example 26-1
  • Added Save picture to database example (Example 27-1)
  • Added load picture from database – Example 27-2

Looks like a great book. I love reading books like this because even if you feel you have a good grasp of the material already, there are always new tricks and tips and different ways of doing things to be found.

I just purchased your book on Gumroad and I am looking forward to reading through it.

BTW - if you are looking for any feedback on the purchasing process - I absolutely love Gumroad and really prefer it, since it stores a backup of my purchase, and when I log in, I can see a lot of the content that I have already purchased. To be honest, I was going to buy your book anyway, but when I saw it was on Gumroad I was pretty happy.

Thanks and I hope the book does well for you,

Thanks for the kind words, and yes, there are many different programming styles. I think that there are over 35 published programming books now, wow, time flies when you are having fun!

I like to support the community, so Marc at xDev library sells my published books. He seems to prefer Gumroad and it seems to be fairly straight forward.

Thanks for the feedback!