Hi, this might be a simple thing to do but I still need help.
How can I splice a string into individual characters including spaces?
Thank you,
Hi, this might be a simple thing to do but I still need help.
How can I splice a string into individual characters including spaces?
Thank you,
var s as string = "some string"
var chars() as string = s.Split( "" )
passing an empty string will do the trick
Edit: Beat by seconds!
If you are using 2020r1 or later take a look at the new String.Characters iterator as that should work better than Split with more complex characters such as emoji.
Since 2020R1: http://documentation.xojo.com/api/data_types/string.html#string-characters
Var count As Integer
For Each char As String In source.Characters
if char = "*" then count = count + 1
Return count
edit: Kudos to @kevin_g , he was 30 seconds faster
Thank you, Kem and Tim. I am thinking how to get output of the array.
I should read more about arrays and the looping.
Hi, Jeannot,
Thank you for the help and sample code. That helps a lot.
@Val_Kozmenko1 you are welcome. BTW. I’m using Xojo for almost 2 decades but bumped only today in this new feature while searching the documentation for something else … ;-).