Some iDE issues under Mint 19 Cinnamon

Nothing major but:

  1. I downloaded the .tgz file. After extraction, the IDE itself only has a generic icon (not the Xojo icon).

  2. I want to be able to start the IDE from the Panel, how can I get an icon fixed there?

  3. At the minute, the app and its files are in a folder on my desktop. What is the correct place for them and can I just use “sudo mv” to put them there?

  4. When the last (or only) project window closes, the IDE exits. How do I prevent this?

  1. This is just how Linux behaves. You do not “install” things and put the required desktop files in the right places. Using the RPM / DEB should fix this as they do place things in the correct places.
  2. Not sure you can without the installation (see answer #1) However I’m not 100% sure on this one.
  3. You could - or just use the DEB/ RPM and install it so they originally land in the right places.
  4. You don’t on Linux.

[quote=413181:@Jason Parsley]1) This is just how Linux behaves. You do not “install” things and put the required desktop files in the right places. Using the RPM / DEB should fix this as they do place things in the correct places.
2) Not sure you can without the installation (see answer #1) However I’m not 100% sure on this one.
3) You could - or just use the DEB/ RPM and install it so they originally land in the right places.
4) You don’t on Linux.[/quote]

OK, what you are saying is that I should have downloaded as for Ubuntu/Debian Linux, which I have now done and that fixes (1) and (3) above. Once I’d done that I could do (2). Pity about (4), I must say.

I was led to downloading the TGZ archive as it mentions Mint, which I am running in a VM.

You may use the TGZ on any distribution.

Download the TGZ file
Open a Terminal/Xterm

sudo -s
mkdir /opt/xojo
cd /opt/xojo
tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/Xojo…tgz (your downloaded Xojo tarball

This will put the Xojo IDE in /opt/xojo/xojo2018r3/

You will still be stuck with manually launching the until you create the .desktop file so that the DM knows how to handle the app.

The .desktop files are stored in /usr/share/applications. Here my xojo2018r3.desktop file content:

[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Xojo 2018r3 Name[en_GB]=Xojo 2018r3 Comment=Xojo 2018 Release 3 Comment[en_GB]=Xojo 2018 Release 3 Exec=/opt/xojo/xojo2018r3/Xojo %F Icon=/opt/xojo/xojo2018r3/xojo.xpm Terminal=false Type=Application MimeType=application/vnd.xojo.project.binary;application/vnd.xojo.project.normal;application/vnd.xojo.project.xml Categories=Development;Programming;Building;IDE

Now, the Xojo entry will show up in your Application menu under Development or Programming/. For Mint, I believe it will be Programming.

This same process works for your built apps. Create a proper .desktop file and users can access your app from the appropriate menu entry.

As for number 4, sign onto this feedback report:

[quote=413214:@Tim Jones]You may use the TGZ on any distribution.

Download the TGZ file
Open a Terminal/Xterm

sudo -s
mkdir /opt/xojo
cd /opt/xojo
tar -zxvf ~/Downloads/Xojo…tgz (your downloaded Xojo tarball

This will put the Xojo IDE in /opt/xojo/xojo2018r3/[/quote]

Thanks for that. Now I’ve used the .deb file, it’s all happened by itself, however it’s useful to see where stuff is supposed to go and what’s needed to go where.


[quote]As for number 4, sign onto this feedback report:
