[Solved] ProxyPass w/ Apache 2.4.4

Does anybody have any experience in configuring a ProxyPass setup w/ Apache for use with the Standalone version (for SSL purposes)? I’ve tried variations of things such as this:


Every time I use this or some other very similar setup, I get the following page when accessing my application:

The application has gone off-line. Please try again later.

This application has encountered an error and cannot continue.

Getting frustrated, as I’ve spent nearly 12+ hours missing with a solution. Thanks!

[quote=19340:@Eric Brown]Does anybody have any experience in configuring a ProxyPass setup w/ Apache for use with the Standalone version (for SSL purposes)? I’ve tried variations of things such as this:


Every time I use this or some other very similar setup, I get the following page when accessing my application:

The application has gone off-line. Please try again later.

This application has encountered an error and cannot continue.

Getting frustrated, as I’ve spent nearly 12+ hours missing with a solution. Thanks![/quote]

Most of my apache configuration is from version 2.2 and few things has changed on version 2.4. So I can only show you an example based on Apache version 2.2. If you need to proxy a web site running in ssl mode you need to have “SSLEngine on” see: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_ssl.html#sslengine

This is one of my configurations files from a apache server version 2.2 running behind a Firewall in a DMZ environment. The IP address and some file locations has been changed for security reason.

I hope this can get you into the right direction.

This part is included in conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

# www.server.com 
Include conf/ssl-virtualhosts/www.server.com.conf

The code below is this file www.server.com.conf


SSL Virtual Host Context


General setup for the virtual host

DocumentRoot “/WEBSITES/APACHE/htdocs”

ErrorLog “|/WEBSITES/APACHE/bin/rotatelogs /WEBSITES/www.server.com/logs/https-error-proxy.%Y-%m-%d-%H%M 86400”

TransferLog “|/WEBSITES/APACHE/bin/rotatelogs /WEBSITES/www.server.com/logs/https-transfer-proxy.%Y-%m-%d-%H%M 86400”

LogFormat “%h %l %u %t “%r” %>s %b “%{Referer}i” “%{User-Agent}i” “%{SSL_PROTOCOL}x” “%{SSL_CIPHER}x”” sslcombined

CustomLog “|/WEBSITES/APACHE/bin/rotatelogs /WEBSITES/www.server.com/logs/https-access-proxy.%Y-%m-%d-%H%M 86400” sslcombined

SSL Engine Switch:

Enable/Disable SSL for this virtual host.

SSLEngine on

SSL Cipher Suite:

List the ciphers that the client is permitted to negotiate.

See the mod_ssl documentation for a complete list.


Server Certificate:

Point SSLCertificateFile at a PEM encoded certificate. If

the certificate is encrypted, then you will be prompted for a

pass phrase. Note that a kill -HUP will prompt again. Keep

in mind that if you have both an RSA and a DSA certificate you

can configure both in parallel (to also allow the use of DSA

ciphers, etc.)

SSLCertificateFile “/WEBSITES/APACHE/conf/server.crt”

Server Private Key:

If the key is not combined with the certificate, use this

directive to point at the key file. Keep in mind that if

you’ve both a RSA and a DSA private key you can configure

both in parallel (to also allow the use of DSA ciphers, etc.)

SSLCertificateKeyFile “/WEBSITES/APACHE/conf/server.key”

Server Certificate Chain:

Point SSLCertificateChainFile at a file containing the

concatenation of PEM encoded CA certificates which form the

certificate chain for the server certificate. Alternatively

the referenced file can be the same as SSLCertificateFile

when the CA certificates are directly appended to the server

certificate for convinience.

SSLCertificateChainFile “/WEBSITES/APACHE/conf/server-ca.crt”

Certificate Authority (CA):

Set the CA certificate verification path where to find CA

certificates for client authentication or alternatively one

huge file containing all of them (file must be PEM encoded)

Note: Inside SSLCACertificatePath you need hash symlinks

to point to the certificate files. Use the provided

Makefile to update the hash symlinks after changes.

#SSLCACertificatePath “/WEBSITES/APACHE/conf/ssl.crt”
#SSLCACertificateFile “/WEBSITES/APACHE/conf/ssl.crt/ca-bundle.crt”

Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL):

Set the CA revocation path where to find CA CRLs for client

authentication or alternatively one huge file containing all

of them (file must be PEM encoded)

Note: Inside SSLCARevocationPath you need hash symlinks

to point to the certificate files. Use the provided

Makefile to update the hash symlinks after changes.

#SSLCARevocationPath “/WEBSITES/APACHE/conf/ssl.crl”
#SSLCARevocationFile “/WEBSITES/APACHE/conf/ssl.crl/ca-bundle.crl”

Client Authentication (Type):

Client certificate verification type and depth. Types are

none, optional, require and optional_no_ca. Depth is a

number which specifies how deeply to verify the certificate

issuer chain before deciding the certificate is not valid.

#SSLVerifyClient require
#SSLVerifyDepth 10

Access Control:

With SSLRequire you can do per-directory access control based

on arbitrary complex boolean expressions containing server

variable checks and other lookup directives. The syntax is a

mixture between C and Perl. See the mod_ssl documentation

for more details.

#SSLRequire ( %{SSL_CIPHER} !~ m/^(EXP|NULL)/ \

and %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_O} eq “Snake Oil, Ltd.” \

and %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_OU} in {“Staff”, “CA”, “Dev”} \

and %{TIME_WDAY} >= 1 and %{TIME_WDAY} <= 5 \

and %{TIME_HOUR} >= 8 and %{TIME_HOUR} <= 20 ) \

or %{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ m/^192\.76\.162\.[0-9]+$/


SSL Engine Options:

Set various options for the SSL engine.

o FakeBasicAuth:

Translate the client X.509 into a Basic Authorisation. This means that

the standard Auth/DBMAuth methods can be used for access control. The

user name is the `one line’ version of the client’s X.509 certificate.

Note that no password is obtained from the user. Every entry in the user

file needs this password: `xxj31ZMTZzkVA’.

o ExportCertData:

This exports two additional environment variables: SSL_CLIENT_CERT and

SSL_SERVER_CERT. These contain the PEM-encoded certificates of the

server (always existing) and the client (only existing when client

authentication is used). This can be used to import the certificates

into CGI scripts.

o StdEnvVars:

This exports the standard SSL/TLS related `SSL_*’ environment variables.

Per default this exportation is switched off for performance reasons,

because the extraction step is an expensive operation and is usually

useless for serving static content. So one usually enables the

exportation for CGI and SSI requests only.

o StrictRequire:

This denies access when “SSLRequireSSL” or “SSLRequire” applied even

under a “Satisfy any” situation, i.e. when it applies access is denied

and no other module can change it.

o OptRenegotiate:

This enables optimized SSL connection renegotiation handling when SSL

directives are used in per-directory context.

#SSLOptions +FakeBasicAuth +ExportCertData +StrictRequire
<FilesMatch “\.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php)$”>
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

<Directory “/WEBSITES/APACHE/cgi-bin”>
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

SSL Protocol Adjustments:

The safe and default but still SSL/TLS standard compliant shutdown

approach is that mod_ssl sends the close notify alert but doesn’t wait for

the close notify alert from client. When you need a different shutdown

approach you can use one of the following variables:

o ssl-unclean-shutdown:

This forces an unclean shutdown when the connection is closed, i.e. no

SSL close notify alert is send or allowed to received. This violates

the SSL/TLS standard but is needed for some brain-dead browsers. Use

this when you receive I/O errors because of the standard approach where

mod_ssl sends the close notify alert.

o ssl-accurate-shutdown:

This forces an accurate shutdown when the connection is closed, i.e. a

SSL close notify alert is send and mod_ssl waits for the close notify

alert of the client. This is 100% SSL/TLS standard compliant, but in

practice often causes hanging connections with brain-dead browsers. Use

this only for browsers where you know that their SSL implementation

works correctly.

Notice: Most problems of broken clients are also related to the HTTP

keep-alive facility, so you usually additionally want to disable

keep-alive for those clients, too. Use variable “nokeepalive” for this.

Similarly, one has to force some clients to use HTTP/1.0 to workaround

their broken HTTP/1.1 implementation. Use variables “downgrade-1.0” and

“force-response-1.0” for this.

BrowserMatch “.MSIE.” \
nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0

Per-Server Logging:

The home of a custom SSL log file. Use this when you want a

compact non-error SSL logfile on a virtual host basis.

#CustomLog “/WEBSITES/APACHE/logs/ssl_request_log” \
“%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x “%r” %b”

ProxyRequests Off

SSLProxyEngine on
ProxyPreserveHost on

Order deny,allow Allow from all ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse SSLRequireSSL


If you need to proxy an Apache Tomcat server from Apache web server, you can also do this instead: https://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/

Oops I meant sslproxyengine: mod_ssl - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4


I REALLY appreciate your assistance, and got it working based on the information you gave me! Ever in the Dallas area, send me a PM and the beer is on me. Thank you very much!

[quote=19550:@Eric Brown]John,

I REALLY appreciate your assistance, and got it working based on the information you gave me! Ever in the Dallas area, send me a PM and the beer is on me. Thank you very much![/quote]

Thanks I will remember that :slight_smile: