Snap in slider

Is there any way to make the slider pointer snap to certain points along the slider?
For example, if I have a slider that goes from -100 to 100, how could I make que sliper pointer snap to the 0 (zero) whenever the slider pointer approaches 0 (zero)?

there is also a property linestep in designer.

Me.Value = (Me.Value \ 25) * 25
System.DebugLog Me.Value.ToString

Nice, but that always jumps to the left (lower) value, not the closest one. Try

Me.Value = ( (Me.Value + 10) \ 20) * 20 


Me.Value = ( (Me.Value + HalfStep) \ Step) * Step


I managed to solve this with:

Var value,remapped As Int32

value = Me.Value

if Abs(value)<5 then
  value = 0
  remapped = 0
end if

if Abs(value)>= 5 then
  remapped = Sgn(value)*(Abs(value)-5)
end if

me.Value = value


Sgn(x As Variant) As Int32

if x = 0 then
  return 0
end if

return Abs(x)/x

Oh, and I had to set the slider to range from -105 to 105, instead of -100 to 100.