SMS on native Android

Is there a plan to implement native library on Android like for example SMS?

Have not looked into this, but a quick glance at the SmsManager class makes it seem like it could be hooked up with a library or Declare.

You should create an Issue for it the feature request, though.

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Thanks Paul.

You mentioned “SmsManager Class”. Is it in our latest version of XOJO already?

SmsManager is part of the Android framework system SDK. You can write code to use that using Declares or Kotlin libraries.

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Thank you.

I hope somebody share some sample on how to utilize the declares for smsManager.

What exactly are you looking for? Sending SMS or read existing SMS? It’s not clear from your initial message.

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That’s correct.

I hope somebody could provide working sample on how to utilize smsManager in android. Send and Reading message.
This way, it will be a big help for me to start learning the declare functionality of xojo android.

Thank you in advance.