When. storing numbers as Double, they take 8 bytes of memory. If I save them as integer, they take also 8 bytes in 64 bits. I’m trying to store huge amount of simple data in multidimensional arrays. For me, storing the data as Uint8 will be enough as I believe is the varitype taking less memory for a possible single round number, but I’ve problems in getting Uint8 values from Double values.
How can I convert a double value into Uint8 value?
I’m creating multidimensional arrays of 8 columns. Each columns has to store integer values from 0 to 100, so the total amount of data in double is (100^8)*8 bytes, so 80 Gb of memory… what it’s absolutely impossible. If this would be saved as Uint8, the total amount of memory for the array would be (100^8)*1 bytes so 10 Gb of memory. Considering I’ve to create 18 of these multidimensional arrays and make math operations between them, what method would you recommend me?.
Best regards.