My app draws stuff to a canvas: (called from the canvas Paint(g) event)
for i = 0 to 100
g.DrawLine(2i, 5i, 10, 20)
This works fine. What happens is that the result of all the drawing appears instantly. I assume this is because the computer is really fast. Maybe some other reason for appearing instantly (buffering?)
What I want to have happen is to pause execution between the drawing the items:
for i = 0 to 100
g.DrawLine(2i, 5i, 10, 20)
But this seems to get lost. (looping?)
Is there any way to accomplish the goal of seeing items being drawn to a canvas individually, with a short pause between their appearances?
Is there some problem with
self.Show, calling this loop from a dialog box, etc?
You should read the series of articles I wrote on animation in Xojo. It’s best to use a timer and draw in steps. There are other ways to accomplish this, but you’re bound to run in to other issues.
you could sub class a canvas, add a property for your iteration.
invalidate (EraseBackground =False) this canvas by a timer
draw a line at paint event with the help of your property (location)
change your property as example Me.Y=Me.Y+1
Your text implies to me that you have a wrong concept of a paint event. That is being called whenever it is necessary to refresh a control, so everything it should be used for is to (re)create the looks of the control. Its content will be shown when it is finished but not while drawing. If a paint event takes long to finish, the result will be a bad screen refresh rate but not an animation.
A Canvas’ Graphics object is not an image buffer. Or rather a volatile one which will be cleared when the next screen refresh is started.
With that in mind, Anthony’s series should give you all information necessary for your task.