I’ve got a button which does a bit of stuff and then uses ShowURL. On one of our customers’ machines, I get a hard crash (not an exception). The stack finishes:
Yep, it works happily on others’ computers; it seems to crash just on his, and it’s only recently started happening. Any way of reinstalling LaunchServices or otherwise making his computer happier?
Might be worth having the customer try creating a new user account and trying the app from there to see if they still get the crash.
Unfortunately, I’m not sure how you’d rebuild launch services if it is at fault. Google searches find some commands, but they don’t seem to be compatible with El Cap.
Hi Hamish, something changed on the user’s machine since it used to work, so what was it? Power cut? Software update? Disk issue? I have occasionally found a bad or badly connected cable or malfunctioning peripheral can cause weird issues. Also do a Verify Disk, and a Repair Disk Permissions can fix oddities.
If that was on PC, I would blame the antivirus. That is the kind of thing they do. But by the same token, worms and viruses can also do this kind of stuff.
Since it manifests on one user machine only, why not apply the workaround for his sole machine ? Should be possible to apply with a switch setting somewhere.
We all have at one point to put limits, let alone with supported systems.
what is the exact url he receives? it seems some xcode developers had the same trouble. It could happen if the url is inclomple. (missing file:// or http:// or the wrong sequence).
Back in 2013 there was report of “File:///” crashing most browsers. But that has been patched since. However, if the customer is still using an old system or an old version of Safari. It could be of the same nature.
[quote=251318:@Michel Bujardet]Back in 2013 there was report of “File:///” crashing most browsers. But that has been patched since. However, if the customer is still using an old system or an old version of Safari. It could be of the same nature.