ShowPopOver not working in Linux as on macOS

Good afternoon (o;

Found a great popup keyboard example as it is perfect for a RPi touchscreen application.

Building is all fine…but when running, it doesn’t show me a popup keyboard when I touch or click inside a text filed.

Running on macOS is all fine…works perfectly.

This is the snippet opening the PopUp fine on macOS, but not on Raspberry Pi:

if not app.IsPopOverOpen then
  app.IsPopOverOpen=true //to prevent popping of more than one Popover window at time
  var c as new WindowKeyboard
  c.source=me //this defines this particulat 'me' DesktopTextField object as source / destination of text
end if

When I use a button and put that in the pressed event it shows the popup.

Any hints?

On Linux, popovers require GTK 3.22 or later. Maybe that’s your issue?!

Well if I use a button to fire the PopUp on Raspberry Pi it shows the PopUp…

This is the Xojo project I took as an example from another thread here:

I would use a different Event: FocusReceived. Does this work for you? (39.4 KB)


Runs fine on macOS…

But on Raspberry Pi the Popup shows after launch…then never again…

Also: When the popup is fired after launch, I can click individual letters fine…
but when using the touchscreen, it types the letters the mouse is pointing actually to.

Added a SystemDebugLog in the FocusReceived Event…when starting, I see:

pi@pipewriter:~ $ DISPLAY=:0 ./PopOverKeyboard/PopOverKeyboard
FocusReceived Event
FocusReceived Event

And the Popup shows…
When dismissed, the Popup never shows again, neither with clicking or touching, though FocusReceived Events are still coming in.

You should create an issue.

BTW: Is the behavior normal, that on macOS the PopUp can overlap the window it was fired from but not on Linux?

On Linux the Popup is clipped to the main window size.

That’s the normal Linux behavior when using Gtk.Popover.

Just saw that there was this issue already reported five months ago:

Doesn’t seem to be fixed…just closed…