Share Your Icons: Inspiration and Creativity for XOJO Apps

My icons for the source code and compiled app - my program is called Budget! - a personal finance tracking system. The “22” is the version number

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The latest app icon I just made.


Have you a link to your app pls?

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They are cool David

Hi Steve, this app is distributed locally only for a state music school which is a conservatory. It is used by the school structure to be able to offer students study and assessment tools in the classroom and during exams also with access to web space to manage their own private channel. The app is therefore private and not distributed online but only accessible by those who commissioned me to develop this app. Thank you for your interest

Thanks Gianna

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A program for the customer management of opticians, and the cash register for it.


Here is some of my App icon’s

App for an Apple CSAA

An App for an Italian client for astrology calculation

An Utility App for the SAMU


Thanks to everyone for sharing! They are all fantastic and give me a lot of ideas

Okay THAT is an outstanding icon. Gets my vote!

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Created using Affinity Designer.


An app where teachers can add requests for practical lessons in an agenda. The amanuensis can see all the requests and than approve / reject the every request individually.