Today I had a need for an app I wrote 17 years ago in RealStudio, but whose compiled version won’t run under Ventura. All I had to do to get it to compile and run under Xojo 2021 was to comment out a couple of deprecated FolderItem properties and change BinaryInputStream.ReadByte to BInaryInputStream.ReadUint8.
In today’s world of rapid software obsolescence it felt like a minor miracle.
I wrote a single window, two buttons 2 Canvas to display two images on the same windows (the original US comic / French reprint first pages).
Once the US Cnvas/Button worked, I uplicated them, change the name of a global and run:
after 30 displayed images, the application crash (not enough memory) on a 8GB ARM.
I checked, set the temp Pict to Nil before displaying the resized: crash.
So, after loading the image I tested it against Nil: surprise, the image is nil !
img = Picture.Open(img_FI)
If img = Nil Then
Message Box "img is Nil."
End If
8 hours wasted and I do not understand why.
So, I loaded a French reprint image and in the Finder, with QuickView, I displayed all 210 US original images witour troubles.
And I do not talk about StyledText (both code and documentation).
In The Debugger, you cnnot go so far, when you click on a TextArea entry ! No StyledText, No StyleRun, …
I have stuff I wrote in that era in RealStudio that we just installed on a Windows 11 box and it fired right up. Huge sigh of relief not to have to look at code I wrote 15 years ago…