Seventeen Years Later

Today I had a need for an app I wrote 17 years ago in RealStudio, but whose compiled version won’t run under Ventura. All I had to do to get it to compile and run under Xojo 2021 was to comment out a couple of deprecated FolderItem properties and change BinaryInputStream.ReadByte to BInaryInputStream.ReadUint8.

In today’s world of rapid software obsolescence it felt like a minor miracle.


Good to know. Have a similar task coming.

Jim Wagner

You’re lucky.

I wrote a single window, two buttons 2 Canvas to display two images on the same windows (the original US comic / French reprint first pages).

Once the US Cnvas/Button worked, I uplicated them, change the name of a global and run:
after 30 displayed images, the application crash (not enough memory) on a 8GB ARM.
I checked, set the temp Pict to Nil before displaying the resized: crash.
So, after loading the image I tested it against Nil: surprise, the image is nil !

img = Picture.Open(img_FI)
If img = Nil Then
Message Box "img is Nil."
End If

8 hours wasted and I do not understand why.

So, I loaded a French reprint image and in the Finder, with QuickView, I displayed all 210 US original images witour troubles.

And I do not talk about StyledText (both code and documentation).
In The Debugger, you cnnot go so far, when you click on a TextArea entry ! No StyledText, No StyleRun, …

My computer was near the window…


  • see which suggests that dealing with large pictures in a loop, the memory may not be freed until the method exits
  • Are you building a 64 bit app? I would expect a 32 bit app to struggle near 4GB of RAM usage, but a 64 bit app should not.

I have stuff I wrote in that era in RealStudio that we just installed on a Windows 11 box and it fired right up. Huge sigh of relief not to have to look at code I wrote 15 years ago… :rofl:


ARM (m1) 8GB, plenty free SSD, Sequoia .1.1 (not the latest, 1.2, yet).

Run for ARM (This Computer and macOS).

Computer off,
Computer run,
Xojo run,
Xojo Load the project,

The debuger says the offscreen picture is Nil (as I coded).

After that… ideas are welcome.