Setting WebListBox ColumnWidths Web 2.0

I’m a bit lost.

lbLogins.ColumnCount = 3
lbLogins.HasHeader = true.

// Header
lbLogins.HeaderAt(0) = "User"
lbLogins.HeaderAt(1) = "Last Login"
lbLogins.HeaderAt(2) = "Installed Version"

lbLogins.ColumnWidths = "60, 20, *"

The above code is not changing the width of the columns. It is placed in the opening event of the listbox on Web2.0 … I don’t have any idea what could possibly be wrong. Channing the HasHeader to false doesn’t change either … Any ideas? I seem to be tired … :slightly_smiling_face:

Keep in mind that the columns will expand to contain the text, so while you’re setting column at index 1 to 20px, It’s actual width is being determined by the string “Last Login”

Thank you @Greg_O_Lone. Silly me!