Setting and checking time zone in a mariadb database session

Hello All

I’m trying to set a session time zone for a db connection, then confirm it’s been ‘seen’ by the MariaDB server.

—Example Code—
db = New MySQLCommunityServer
db.Host = “
db.Port = 3306
db.DatabaseName = “db_name”
db.UserName = “db_user_name”
db.Password = “db_user_password”

if db.Connect then
var tempData as string
tempData = “SET session time_Zone = ‘Europe/London’;”


— End code—
This seems to work - at least it doesn’t throw an error. But I’m getting stuck as to how to find out if the command has been applied. From PHPMyAdmin I’d go:

show session variables like ‘time_zone’

How do I do something similar via Xojo and get the result back to inspect/display?

Many thanks

Hi @Steve_Johnson ,

see How to change timezone in MySQL or MariaDB in parameters | Smart way of Technology (

Check the current timezone

-- Check the current timezone
-- At session level
select @@session.time_zone;
