SetBackgroundColorXC errors 2021r2

I have no idea if this fails in previous XOJO versions using the new compiler. I am just revisiting an iOS app I built using XOJO 2019. Inside that I used the iOSKit-master for XOJO 2020r2. At this time I am just scratching the surface of the provided iOS extensions. This one SetBackgroundColorXC in particular is used in several places and fails here dim myViewPtr As Ptr = decl_GetView(v.Handle)

This is how I call that Method

Here is the code contained inside that Method inside ViewExtensionsXC

Dim uic As UIKit.UIColor

if c.Alpha = 255 then
  uic = UIKit.UIColor.ClearColor
  uic = new UIKit.UIColor(c)
end if

' UIKit Declare to get a reference to a View from its ViewController
Declare Function decl_GetView lib "UIKit.framework" selector "view" (aUIViewController As Ptr) As Ptr
' Here is the corresponding Xojo call (View.Self returns a ViewController)
dim myViewPtr As Ptr = decl_GetView(v.Handle)

' UIKit Declare to set the backgound color of a View
Declare Sub decl_SetBackgroundColor lib "UIKit.framework" selector "setBackgroundColor:" (aUIView As Ptr, aUIColor As Ptr)
' Here is the corresponding Xojo call
decl_SetBackgroundColor(myViewPtr, uic)

Not certain what needs to be changed to that line of code or what else may need to be changed.

What’s the compiler/runtime error when it fails?

There is no error. The debug session ends. I only know the error location because I started setting break points

Is the first parameter in SetBackgroundColorXC

  1. extends v as MobileScreen or
  2. extends v as iOSView?
    And is the calling view/mobileScreen the same class?

Open the Console app and you can see a crash log there. Paste it here

Parameter list in SetBackgroundColorXC is
extends v As iOSView, c As Color

I attempted to change to MobileScreen but I received errors when attempting to run

These calls self.SetBackgroundColorXC(&cC7E9FE00) all receive ‘There is more than one method with this name but this does not match any of the available signatures’ at run time

Here it is

It seems v.Handle returns a UIView on a UIViewController. so you should just be able to do dim myViewPtr As Ptr = v.Handle I believe

Nice - that was it - thanks

Var uic As UIKit.UIColor

if c.Alpha = 255 then
  uic = UIKit.UIColor.ClearColor
  uic = new UIKit.UIColor(c)
end if

' UIKit Declare to get a reference to a View from its ViewController
Declare Function decl_GetView lib "UIKit.framework" selector "view" (aUIViewController As Ptr) As Ptr
' Here is the corresponding Xojo call (View.Self returns a ViewController)
'Var myViewPtr As Ptr = decl_GetView(v.Handle)
Var myViewPtr As Ptr = v.Handle

' UIKit Declare to set the backgound color of a View
Declare Sub decl_SetBackgroundColor lib "UIKit.framework" selector "setBackgroundColor:" (aUIView As Ptr, aUIColor As Ptr)
' Here is the corresponding Xojo call
decl_SetBackgroundColor(myViewPtr, uic)