session object sockets

I have still troubles with session objects in my application. I use tcp ssl sockets and in the dataavailable event I call a timer:

  sockTimer = new timer()
  sockTimer.period = 0
  sockTimer.mode = timer.ModeSingle
  AddHandler socktimer.Action, AddressOf gettingContent

in this gettingContent method I make a

Dim sess as WebSession = App.SessionWithIdentifier(SessionID, RemoteIP)
dim w as new WebSessionContext(sess)

and in this I call a parsingResponse method for xml parsing also at the beginning with

Dim sess as WebSession = App.SessionWithIdentifier(SessionID, RemoteIP)
dim w as new WebSessionContext(sess)

in this method parsingResponse I call methods which update webpages …

what is the correct to do this ? and can I say in all called methods Session.Webpage.xxxx
