Send PDF Direct to Printer

I have this code how i can send this to the printer

Dim mPDF AS WebFile

Session.mPDF = New WebFile
Session.mPDF.MimeType = “application/pdf”
Session.mPDF.ForceDownload = True
Session.mPDF.FileName = “report.pdf”
Session.mPDF.Data = data

ShowURL( Session.mPDF.URL)

you don’t. User downloads pdf, open and print it.

so how i can do it

From what OS platform, you need to do it ?

IF a remote web site could force a document to download & print without user interaction that would be a horrible security issue at the very least

unless of course it is an intranet based web app, in which case the server can print to the LAN printers.

This on Linux server
I have this working but using the HTMLViewer1 so i send to print but when it print look horrible so i send the report to pdf and look fine.

if any way the web app save to the local server and then send it to the printer

[quote=206292:@Alexis Colon Lugo]This on Linux server
I have this working but using the HTMLViewer1 so i send to print but when it print look horrible so i send the report to pdf and look fine.

if any way the web app save to the local server and then send it to the printer[/quote]

Are you talking about the client printer ?

only if the server has access to the lan printers. When I worked in the financial markets, the servers in the data center could not talk to the printers as they were outside the data centers and the firewalls blocked it.

we had to print to PDF, download/copy PDF from data center to our local machine (at our desk), then open the PDF in a reader and print. all manual steps.

so sometimes it isn’t as simple as we want.

Michel yes client printer

If you are not satisfied by the result now, the only way is to have the customer download, open the PDF and print.

but way the report on HTMLViewer1 look perfect but when print is so Bad is like no use windows driver of the printer.