Xojo2018r4 Mac
Bug: SelectFolderDialog sometimes opens with a file selected (not always, just sometimes).
Obviously, files are supposed to be inaccessible (greyed out) in a select folder dialog. The user can unselect the file, and then it cannot be selected. I know I can set the initial directory, but I shouldn’t have to in order to avoid this wrong behaviour. Anyone else see this happening?
Here’s my workaround:
Public Function ShowSelectFolderDialog(promptTxt as string = "Select a destination folder.", buttonCaption as string = "Select") as Folderitem
// start by assigning an existing folderitem that we know is not a directory
dim f As FolderItem = App.ExecutableFile
while not f.Directory
// accept only a directory or a nil folderitem as the result of the dialog
Dim dlg As New SelectFolderDialog
dlg.ActionButtonCaption = "Select"
dlg.PromptText = "Select a destination folder."
f = dlg.ShowModal
if f = Nil then exit while
return f
End Function
Then whenever I want a select folder dialog, I use:
dim f As FolderItem = ShowSelectFolderDialog
With this workaround, if a user clicks the Select button to dismiss the dialog with the erroneous file pre-selected, the dialog just remains open, until they either cancel or click away from the selected item to a folder, or click somewhere outside the list to select the parent directory of the erroneously pre-selected file. This works on Mac, not tested on Windows. I’m away from my Windows laptop so can’t test this – anyone want to try this code on Windows?
I understand the problem you are seeing but I don’t see it on Windows 10 (Xojo 2018R4). Using the SelectFolderDialog on Windows, the only entries that appear at all are folders and shortcuts that point to folders.